UNIONPOWER is an official licensed NVOCC in PR China. In most recent years, UNIONPOWER has been actively involved in shipments to and from China. In co-operation with our overseas offices and agents, we can provide our customers cost effective and efficient forwarding service to and from China. With offices in Shanghai, Ningbo, Xiamen, Shenzhen, Dalian, Qingdao and Tianjin, together with an agent network covering all other major ports in China, regardless it's a direct, transhipment by sea or overland transportation, we can help our customers to handle their cargoes to and from China in the fastest, safest and most cost-effective manner possible.


  • GOH shipment
  • Product searching
  • Buyer's consolidation
  • Full container shipment
  • Supervision of container loading
  • Monitoring and reporting development of goods
  • National transportation from town to town, province to province
  • Shipment pre-alert with full information of pre-carriage and connecting vessel

China Map

e.g. Shanghai
Note: All information provided on this map is for reference only. China is a big country, possibly the name of a location may appear in different districts. Users are advised to check with their business counterpart to make sure the information provided is appropriate for their needs